Booking Exams
We are proud to partner with Tutors and Exams who provides examination and assessment facilities primarily aimed at private and home educated candidates.
As valued clients of Wolfthorn Knight, Tutors and Exams are offering a discount for any exams booked with them. Please email us directly to obtain your discount code:
Tutors and Exams currently have five examination centres located around the country: Bolton, Coventry, Doncaster, St Neots Cambridgeshire and Wimbledon. All are approved for examination delivery by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). In 2019/20 Tutors and Exams delivered examination assessment to over 2,400 learners. We cater for 95% of all GCSE/GCE and IGCSE subjects alongside Functional Skills and have a dedicated SEN specialist who can assist in organising access arrangements if required.
For more information, please visit their website: